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How Artificial Intelligence Affects Digital Marketing

Everything to do with sales—whether promoting, predicting or even planning—can be optimized with the help of Artificial Intelligence in digital marketing today. With technology creating its imprint on all aspects of our society, marketing too has moved over from traditional methods to adorn a digital hue.

Now, digital marketing is working in conjunction with AI to increase clients’ bottom line by mimicking human reasoning, intelligence and logic.

How AI Impacts Digital Marketing

Voice Assistants Are Here to Help

With the popularity of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, voice search helps people take buying decisions easilythrough voice commands. For voice search to be impacted by Artificial Intelligence in digital marketing, marketers need to make sure that content is optimized specifically for voice search. This is done by keeping a conversational tone and using long-tailed keywords.

Creating More Forceful Ads

Taking advantage of the fact that AI machines mimic human functions, here they use statistical learning to create meaningful and strong ads for users. Algorithms record every activity of users who browse a site or click a link associated with a product.

Done over a period of time, computers apply this patterned behaviour to study data and make a model that gives the same results each time for the same behaviour. This approach is used by marketers to optimize their marketing strategies as they customize it to their clients’ needs.

Enhancing User Experience

If user experience is positive, businesses are automatically successful. By giving customer satisfaction the importance it deserves, AI creates a better user experience. When you see virtual assistants lending users assistance to shop or chatbots that give the latest product details, you know that it’s AI in digital transformation at work.

With AI’s role in digital marketing, it is possible to have digital marketing strategies that help with sales forecasting, optimization, data crunching and getting the most ROI.

By Scaling Up the Power of Content Marketing

Content with a focus on data, such as market data, quarterly earnings reports, etc is hugely impacted by Artificial Intelligence. Content generated by AI is not only useful but also helps bring in visitors to your website.

You can also use it to save resources and time. For instance, it can write reports and news with the relevant data and updated information in hand. For this, it uses tools like Quill, Wordsmith and Articoolo. This is one form of AI in digital transformation as we experience it today.

Predictive Analysis

It’s highly necessary to create high-quality content since this is the primary way of hooking viewers and complying with Google simultaneously. Google mandates that high-quality content should necessarily be relevant, unique, useful, interesting and valuable.


Artificial Intelligence has a lot of benefits for you and your digital marketing strategy. It spells efficiency, higher productivity as well as profitability. By opting to work with AI, you can reap the benefits of AI and achieve better insights into your marketing campaign and its pitfalls.

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